Developed, Engineered and Made in Switzerland and in the United States! Since 1912 Schaerer Medical's high-grade operating tables and medical accessories are coming from this countries with long MedTec experience. As a Swiss company with subsidary in the US and with history and future we manufacture mobile operating tables and medical accessories for all surgical disciplines and fields of application. A network of sales and service partners in over 75 countries guarantees the worldwide distribution and individual service almost everywhere in the world. Schaerer Medical continuously invests in the development of innovative and gentle on the patient products and applications, which are developed in close collaboration with leading surgeons and partners from medicine and medical technology. Schaerer products and quality are world-renowned and stand for precision, processing quality and long service life.
In this field Schaerer Medical offers a wide range of general and specialized accessories for safe patient positioning. In combination with 5 main OT-table lines for all different surgical requirements or available budgets Schaerer products fits best for this surgical discipline. It is an universal entry level OT-table with electric sliding table top. A slim foot design, 0-Level, basic accessories are included. Wireless handcontrol as option. It is a fully stainless steel universal OT-table with a cantilevered column design with heavy weight capacity of 500kg/ 1100lbs and 360kg/800lbs for all patient positions and for all surgical disciplines.
One Surgical Table - Multiple disciplines.
The innovative Schaerer MTS Modular Traction System for ARCUS and AXIS based on a new developed seat plate allows converting the operating table for different surgical disciplines much faster and easier. There is no need to change the seat plate and there is no need for an adapter. Further there is no floor support needed. In addition all necessary accessories fit into a small footprint trolley. These points help to save time for the surgical staff/team.
With the MIS-bar for ARCUS and AXIS you can do minimally invasive HIP surgery such as hip arthroplasty (DAA) and hip arthroscopy. The MIS designates a muscle protecting procedure in Surgery on the hip joint. The objective is the minimisation of damage to the pelvic-trochanter musculature.